2012 was a great year for FAT! We had various group trainings from newbie trainings in Mountain Lakes and not so newbie trainings in Lake Placid. FAT was well represented in numerous races from the AC triathlon to the Inaugural NY Ironman! This shows that FAT embraces and encourages all types and forms of athletes! Of course we had fun social gatherings post- race, Summer picnic and the Christmas Party. In addition, FAT successfully organized several fundraising events, to name a few Handog Tulong , to benefit Hurricane Sandy victims and Tri Bantay Bata, to benefit Children in the Philippines. This proves we’re not just a sport group but an Organization with a PURPOSE!
This year, we have bigger and better plans for you! First off, new uniforms are coming out and they look and feel much better! In addition to the trainings, races and fun social gathering, we are also introducing the FilAM Kids & Junior Developmental TRi Club/ Initiative. This will be the inaugural year and a PILOT Program of the Club. We all know that the children are our future and it is never too early to teach and encourage them to be healthy and active early in life (more info below)!
2013 membership is now open and WE need you to renew or sign up to avail of the member benefits plus help out with our Pilot Program. This year we have 2 membership options:
- Individual Membership (for single person over 18 y.o.) $25
- Family Membership (for anyone with a spouse and or children) $50 - available on the shop tab
This membership type is new! Family membership will automatically allow you to avail of the Individual membership benefits. In addition, ALL your children will be able to join any of the identified kid’s races with the 1’st race taken care of by the Club. WE strongly encourage all members to sign up for the Family membership, the extra $25 will be considered a kind gesture and donation towards the FAT Kids & Junior Developmental Club/ Initiative. This will help make this Program/Initiative successful.
MISSION STATEMENT: To introduce and support children ages 6 to 19 years old to an active and healthy lifestyle.
VISION STATEMENT: Kids Team (6 - 12 years old): To introduce and encourage participation among younger children to join non-competitive races with focus on safety and having fun.
Junior Team (13 to 19 years old) To introduce and support young athletes with focus on development of skills and having a safe and fun competition.
ELIGIBILTY: 1. Must need to at least 6 years old up to 19 years old. 2. Parents must be a full paid member of FIL-AM TRI Club Family Membership 3. Waivers will need to be signed by Parents